3D Wallpaper

3d wallpaper

3d wallpaper

3D Name wallpapers is a cool and free to use website that lets you search through thousands of names as text that is generated in 3D, and can be downloaded as a wallpaper for a mobile phone, smart phone or other handheld devices, as well as for a desktop computer. Some of the styles can be rendered out in sizes as big as 2560×1600 pixels so will look great on even the biggest computer monitors!  Go to the site now and search for your name in the search box at the top of the site 3d name wallpapers,  The site is free to use, and has a related Facebook page that offers a way to get a preview code you can use to download the 3d names wallpapers. You just need to search for your name in the top right hand side of the site, and if names exist for you then choose a style you like, go to the preview page and it’ll ask you to enter the promotional code. This is where you go to the Facebook page, click the like button and the code then becomes available… Simple!

3D Names also have a dedicated iPhone website for the 3D Names iPhone application which is available at 3d wallpaper . The iPhone application is currently a free Mobile wallpapers app but to download each wallpaper to your iPhone you need to purchase the 3D name wallpaper. Using this app you are able to send a request for a new 3D name if the name you have searched for is not available.

The styles of 3D Names range from some simple and effective looking  Free  wallpapers  that are available for mobile phones, cell phones and other handheld devices, to some amazing high resolution wallpapers that will fit the biggest of desktop screens as a huge wallpaper! There are some great looking fonts that look really nice in the often metallic textures., and there are over 30,000 names to search from so pretty likely they’ll have a desktop wallpaper for you! So take a look now at 3d wallpaper  and search for your name! You can also take a look at the free animations and videos that are on offer, there are some fun looking animations that have various styles for you to download in different sizes. 3D Name Wallpapers are all free to download. There are also some animated versions of the 3D Names that will be coming soon.

About The Author: Jim Brady – Jim is a web designer and graphic Mobile Wallpapers  artist and spends time making 3D wallpaper  of his own and is constantly looking for other 3D websites

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